The Of Course

  • Best Sex Ever

    The Of Course was created in 2004 by Colden Thorne.   The original course used basic vaginal tension to influence the male's sexual response curve.   In less than ten years the Course has grown to include:   compound moves, perfect stroke length, artistic values, Course layers, and vaginal textures.   Without a doubt, the aficionados of the Course are reporting their best sex ever.

    In 2013, the author's kinetic skill was used for a different work:   the flawless running style is called Meridian-running.   Both books are available at Amazon.   After reading The Of Course, maybe you'll return to say, as many have said before—"BSE Colden."   BEST SEX EVER.


  • The powerful Aficionado spell—Flowers

  • author:  Colden Thorne
    pubdat:  October 6th, 2014
  • This one concept has the potential to change every Course that you create.  The concept is called flowers and once it is turned on, it can't be turned off.  The spell can be broken though, but the question is—"How?"

    The aficionado who created it

    The author was once in a post-coital hug with a powerful aficionado.  She was doing something but it was hard to define and she wouldn't reveal her secret.  Therefore, the perplexed Course master desires the female to turn it off.  The female's answer to this is a terse, "No way, pal."  Quickly, a spell was created to counteract her spell.  Ok then…

    "Turn to steel"

    In the warrior's battle set, there is an emotional change, and the warrior turns to steel.  This allows the soldier to engage the enemy.  Again, once the spell of steel is turned on, it can't be turned off.  Soldiers suffering from PTSD find it very difficult to get out of their battle set, and it affects their lives on a daily basis.

    The author understands this phenomenon and will utilize one powerful spell to countermand the other.

    Sure enough, the command to "Turn to Steel" did turn off her previous spell, but how do we as Course creators bring her spell into existence.  Since she is sly and has remained mute on the subject, we will build her spell from the ground up.

    The seed pods


    Engaged in the post-coital hug, instruct the female to plant seed pods under her skin.  The nascent plant is just beginning to sprout though the skin.  This is the spell called flowers, LEVEL ONE.

    The seedling


    Prompt the female to have the seed sprouts to grow through the skin.  Tiny green stems are seen growing and covering the near side of her body.  She is now at LEVEL TWO of the flowers spell.

    The flower bud appears


    In due course of time, the flower begins to show beautifully colored blossoms.  This is the first surprise in the spell and both participants begin to feel happy.  LEVEL THREE of the flowers spell is complete.

    The flowers burst into bloom


    This is the part of the spell we wish to engage at the highest level.  There is an amazing amount of good energy, and happiness flows from LEVEL FOUR.  Instruct the female to conjure up these feelings:

    • happiness
    • friendship
    • goodness
    • kindness

    We will attempt to hold the spell at this level because things can get out of hand.

    One flower too many


    Instruct the female to keep adding flowers to the LEVEL FOUR field.  At a certain point the spell breaks down and a feeling of giddiness develops.  When the LEVEL FIVE spell reaches its pinnacle, tell her to giggle.  This is too much of a good thing.

    Therefore, the spell and its instructions return to LEVEL FOUR and the spell lasts indefinitely.  With this, she is not allowed to turn the spell off.  Instead, she must wait until the spell wears off.

    Doesn't Steel turn this off though

    In compliance with the Flower spell, you can trick her to turn the spell off.  Simply instruct the female to cover the LEVEL FOUR flower field with Steel.  Once she has engaged the Steel spell, she must leave it on indefinitely (that is, until that spell wears off).  If she asks to turn on the Flower spell again:  say, "No, impossible."  Engage her negative space with your Steel spell and return her to Steel.

    Turn On

    In the future, you can lend a mild reproof, "Did I not show you how to "turn on" and you are still "turned off"."  Soon you will awake every morning to the Flowers spell.  Every course will be ended the same way, that being, with this powerful aficionado spell.

    The Great Aficionado Ninon de l'Enclos

    Chapter five of Colden Thorne's The Of Course speaks of a great female sex tactician.  Ninon de l'Enclos must have used these spells to control the men in her life.  Her martyrs from whom she would choose a favori would receive the Course with the Flowers spell.  Furthermore, to end these short relationships she would sour the milk and begin to use the Steel spell.  It is unfortunate for her payeurs though:  they would never receive a Course with Flowers.

    You can link to this page and help spread the Flower spell around the world:

    <a href="">The powerful Aficionado spell—Flowers</a>

    A heart felt Best wishes (deep within the Flowers spell), and of course, good luck in your Course!

    I can turn you to Steel, but I'm afraid it's irreversible.

    The Of Course is now available at Amazon:  to go to Colden's Amazon author page, click here.

    This blog is updated at twitter:  join this group @ColdenThorne, click here.

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